Over 17.88 Lakh New Workers Added Under ESI Scheme in April 2023

Over 17.88 Lakh New Workers Added Under ESI Scheme in April 2023
Over 17.88 Lakh New Workers Added Under ESI Scheme in April 2023

In a welcome development for the organized sector, the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme recorded a substantial increase in its beneficiary base during the month of April 2023. According to recent reports, over 17.88 lakh new workers were added to the scheme during this period, signifying a notable growth in job creation and the formalization of employment.

The ESI Scheme, administered by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), is a social security initiative aimed at providing health insurance and other welfare benefits to employees working in the organized sector in India. It covers establishments with 10 or more employees earning wages up to a specified limit.

The surge in new enrollments under the ESI Scheme in April 2023 suggests a positive trend in the overall employment scenario. The increase in workers joining the scheme indicates a rising number of employees entering the formal sector, where they can avail of various benefits such as medical care, maternity benefits, disability benefits, and more.

The ESI Scheme not only offers healthcare services but also strives to ensure the overall well-being of workers and their families. It provides financial protection during contingencies such as sickness, injury, disability, or maternity, thereby offering a safety net for employees.

The addition of over 17.88 lakh new workers under the ESI Scheme reflects the government’s efforts to promote job creation, foster a secure work environment, and enhance social security for the organized sector. This development signifies a positive step towards strengthening the labor market and improving the overall welfare of employees in India.

It is important to note that the ESI Scheme continues to play a crucial role in providing essential healthcare and social security coverage to millions of workers across the country. As the scheme witnesses consistent growth in its beneficiary base, it reinforces the importance of a robust social security framework to support the workforce and contribute to the nation’s socio-economic progress.