Parliament Streamlines Newspaper Registration with New Bill

Parliament Streamlines Newspaper Registration with New Bill

In a move aimed at modernizing India’s media landscape, Parliament on Thursday passed a bill revolutionizing how newspapers and periodicals register. Ditching the cumbersome eight-step process of the British-era Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act, 1867, the new Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023, empowers aspiring publishers with a swift one-click online system.

Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur hailed the bill as “simple, smart, and efficient,” emphasizing its streamlined approach for both newspapers and periodicals. Gone are the days of navigating bureaucratic labyrinths; now, registration is as easy as a single click.

“Earlier, newspapers or magazines had to pass through an eight-step registration process,” Thakur pointed out. “This can now be done at the click of a button.” This drastic shift signifies a significant win for press freedom and diversity, paving the way for a more vibrant and inclusive media ecosystem.

The Rajya Sabha had already approved the bill back in August, and its Lok Sabha passage on Thursday marks a decisive step towards its implementation. This reform promises to unleash a wave of new voices and perspectives into the public sphere, enriching public discourse and empowering budding voices in the publishing world.