Progress and Challenges in Negotiations on Plastic Pollution at INC-4: Expert Groups Formed Amidst Opposition

Progress and Challenges in Negotiations on Plastic Pollution at INC-4: Expert Groups Formed Amidst Opposition

Member states had previously failed to reach a consensus on intersessional work during INC-3. Expectations were high for INC-4 to facilitate agreement on engaging in intersessional work on various issues.

Proposal Introduction:

  • The Chair introduced a proposal during the fourth plenary session of INC-4.
  • Aim: Establish ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups.

Expert Groups:

  1. Group 1: Resource Analysis
    • Task: Develop analysis of resources and means for implementing the instrument.
    • Utilizes: Report of Contact Group 2 and draft text of Part III.
    • Structure: Two co-chairs.
  2. Group 2: Criteria on Plastic Products and Chemicals
    • Task: Propose criteria on plastic products and chemicals of concern, and related product design issues.
    • Utilizes: Report of Contact Group 1 and draft text of relevant sections developed at INC-4.
    • Structure: Two co-chairs.

Working Process:

  • Expert groups to initiate work electronically.
  • One in-person meeting for each group during the intersessional period.

Opposition and Amendments:

  • Opposition from like-minded countries to omit provision on primary plastic polymers.
  • Proposal amended to include provision following interventions by 53 member states citing CRP by Rwanda and Peru.

Additional Proposal:

  • GRULAC proposes formation of an Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) focusing on Part II and Part III of the Revised Draft Text.

OEWG Details:

  • Tasks: Address definitions related to plastic, plastic pollution, and treaty implementation.
  • Structure: In-person meetings, financing for two representatives per developing country.
  • Outcome: Recommendations for consideration at INC-5.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What was the aim of the proposal introduced during the fourth plenary session of INC-4?
    • A) To establish ad hoc intersessional expert groups.
    • B) To conclude the negotiations.
    • C) To address climate change issues.
    • D) To formulate environmental policies.
    Answer: A) To establish ad hoc intersessional expert groups.
  2. How many in-person meetings were proposed for each expert group during the intersessional period?
    • A) None
    • B) One
    • C) Two
    • D) Three
    Answer: B) One
  3. What was the main concern expressed by the like-minded countries regarding the Chair’s proposal?
    • A) Lack of funding
    • B) Excessive focus on definitions
    • C) Omission of primary plastic polymers provision
    • D) Overemphasis on technology transfer
    Answer: C) Omission of primary plastic polymers provision
  4. What did the CRP presented by Rwanda and Peru propose?
    • A) Reduction of plastic usage by 50% by 2030
    • B) Sharing data on plastic production levels
    • C) Establishment of a global plastic ban
    • D) Striving for a 40 per cent reduction in production by 2040
    Answer: D) Striving for a 40 per cent reduction in production by 2040
  5. What did the GRULAC proposal focus on?
    • A) Establishing a dedicated fund for plastic pollution control
    • B) Defining terms related to plastic pollution and treaty implementation
    • C) Increasing plastic production in developing countries
    • D) Forming an expert group on climate change mitigation
    Answer: B) Defining terms related to plastic pollution and treaty implementation