Rare Human Case of Bubonic Plague Linked to Pet Cat Reported in Oregon

Rare Human Case of Bubonic Plague Linked to Pet Cat Reported in Oregon

Officials in the US state of Oregon have confirmed a rare human case of bubonic plague, likely transmitted by a pet cat. Bubonic plague, infamous for its devastating impact during the “Black Death” pandemic in the Middle Ages, is uncommon in developed countries today but remains potentially dangerous.

Details of the Case

  • The identity of the patient in Deschutes County has not been revealed.
  • The patient is currently undergoing treatment.
  • It is believed that the individual was infected by their pet cat.

Measures Taken

  • All close contacts of the patient and their pet have been contacted.
  • They have been provided medication to prevent illness.

Symptoms and Progression

  • Plague symptoms typically appear within eight days after exposure to an infected animal or flea.
  • Symptoms include fever, nausea, weakness, chills, and muscle aches.
  • If not diagnosed early, bubonic plague can progress to septicemic plague or pneumonic plague, both of which are more serious.

Management and Outcome

  • The case was identified and treated in the early stages, minimizing the risk to the community.
  • No additional cases of plague have been reported during the investigation.

Rarity of Plague in Oregon

  • Plague is rare in the area, with the last case reported in 2015.
  • The historical context of the Black Death pandemic, which occurred in the 14th Century and claimed millions of lives in Europe, is noted.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Where was the rare human case of bubonic plague confirmed?
    • a) California
    • b) Oregon
    • c) Washington
    • d) New York
    • Answer: b) Oregon
  2. How was it likely transmitted to the patient?
    • a) Through contaminated food
    • b) By a wild rodent
    • c) By a pet cat
    • d) Through a flea bite
    • Answer: c) By a pet cat
  3. What measures were taken for close contacts of the patient and their pet?
    • a) They were quarantined
    • b) They were provided with medication
    • c) They were advised to seek medical attention
    • d) No measures were taken
    • Answer: b) They were provided with medication
  4. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of bubonic plague?
    • a) Fever
    • b) Nausea
    • c) Rash
    • d) Muscle aches
    • Answer: c) Rash
  5. What is the potential progression if bubonic plague is not diagnosed early?
    • a) Meningitis
    • b) Encephalitis
    • c) Septicemic plague or pneumonic plague
    • d) Tuberculosis
    • Answer: c) Septicemic plague or pneumonic plague