Shillong Hosts Green Tourism Conclave for Responsible Tourism in Northeast

Shillong Hosts Green Tourism Conclave for Responsible Tourism in Northeast
Shillong Hosts Green Tourism Conclave for Responsible Tourism in Northeast

Shillong, the picturesque capital of Meghalaya, recently welcomed environmental enthusiasts, tourism professionals, and conservationists to the Green Tourism Conclave, an event dedicated to advancing responsible tourism in the Northeastern region of India. The conclave, organized against the backdrop of the region’s breathtaking landscapes, sought to foster sustainable practices and encourage eco-friendly tourism as a means to preserve the region’s natural beauty.

The Northeast, known for its lush greenery, unique biodiversity, and vibrant indigenous cultures, has gained popularity among travelers seeking unspoiled natural landscapes and authentic cultural experiences. However, the surge in tourism has brought with it the challenges of preserving the environment and ensuring that local communities benefit from this influx of visitors.

The Green Tourism Conclave, hosted in Shillong, brought together stakeholders from the travel and tourism industry, government representatives, environmentalists, and local communities to engage in constructive dialogue on responsible tourism practices. The discussions revolved around the need to strike a balance between tourism and environmental conservation.

One of the primary focuses of the conclave was on the preservation of natural habitats, wildlife conservation, and the sustainable use of resources. Promoting eco-friendly travel options, reducing the carbon footprint, and supporting local economies were central themes of the event.

Speakers at the conclave emphasized the importance of involving local communities in tourism activities to ensure that they reap the benefits and are motivated to protect their natural surroundings. The conclave also delved into the significance of educating travelers about responsible and ethical tourism practices.

Shillong, known for its lush hills, cascading waterfalls, and pleasant climate, served as a fitting backdrop for this significant event. As the conclave concluded, it left participants and attendees with a heightened sense of responsibility towards preserving the pristine beauty of the Northeast and promoting tourism that respects and sustains the environment, culture, and communities in the region. The outcomes of the Green Tourism Conclave are expected to influence the way tourism is approached in the Northeast, making it an example of responsible and sustainable tourism for the rest of the country to follow.