Study Finds Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) Mitigates Statin-Induced Glucose Intolerance

Study Finds Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) Mitigates Statin-Induced Glucose Intolerance

Statins, essential for managing cardiovascular disease, may increase the risk of diabetes. A study from China explored the potential of UDCA in mitigating statin-induced glucose intolerance.

Statins and Glucose Intolerance

  • Statins inhibit an enzyme crucial in LDL cholesterol production, but they may induce glucose intolerance.
  • Despite the risk, statins remain widely prescribed due to their significant benefits.

Mechanism of Statin-Induced Glucose Intolerance

  • The precise mechanism behind statin-induced glucose intolerance has been unclear.

Study Design and Findings

  • Participant Recruitment: 30 individuals on atorvastatin and 10 without were recruited.
  • Metabolic Tracking: Participants were monitored over four months.
  • Microbiome Alteration: Atorvastatin users showed reduced Clostridium bacteria in feces and altered bile acid profiles.
  • Gut Microbiome Impact: Clostridium-deficient microbiomes inhibited hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases, leading to reduced UDCA levels.
  • UDCA Administration: Five statin users were given UDCA (10-13 mg/kg/day) for two months.
  • Outcome: UDCA significantly decreased HbA1C levels, indicating improved glucose homeostasis without affecting lipid-lowering effects.

Conclusion and Implications

  • UDCA administration could potentially counteract statin-induced glucose intolerance.
  • Further randomized clinical trials are needed to validate these findings.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary concern associated with statin usage according to the study?
    • A) Liver damage
    • B) Glucose intolerance and diabetes
    • C) Hypertension
    • D) Kidney failure
    • Answer: B) Glucose intolerance and diabetes
  2. Which enzyme do statins inhibit to reduce LDL cholesterol levels?
    • A) Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
    • B) Insulinase
    • C) HMG-CoA reductase
    • D) Amylase
    • Answer: C) HMG-CoA reductase
  3. What was the primary finding regarding the gut microbiome in individuals taking atorvastatin?
    • A) Increased abundance of Clostridium bacteria
    • B) Unchanged bile acid profiles
    • C) Reduced abundance of Clostridium bacteria
    • D) Enhanced hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity
    • Answer: C) Reduced abundance of Clostridium bacteria
  4. What was the outcome of administering UDCA to individuals on statins?
    • A) Increased LDL cholesterol levels
    • B) Decreased HbA1C levels
    • C) Elevated Clostridium bacteria levels
    • D) Unchanged glucose metabolism
    • Answer: B) Decreased HbA1C levels