Study Forecasts Future Water Storage Changes in MENA Region

Study Forecasts Future Water Storage Changes in MENA Region

A recent study led by researchers from the European Geosciences Union (EGU) projected future water storage changes over the Mediterranean, Middle East, and North Africa (MENA) regions. The study focused on understanding the impact of global warming and a climate intervention method called stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI) on water storage dynamics in these areas.

Current Situation

  • MENA is among the most water-stressed regions globally.
  • Factors contributing to water stress include dry climate, intensifying droughts, increasing population, and water over-extraction.


  • By the end of the decade, per capita water availability in MENA is expected to drop below the critical threshold of 500 cubic meters per person per year.
  • By 2050, an additional 25 billion cubic meters of water per year will be required to meet the region’s demands.


  • TWS is projected to decrease in wetter areas around the Caspian and Mediterranean seas but increase in most of the MENA region.
  • Precipitation and water availability in the Mediterranean region are expected to decrease significantly due to global warming.

Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention (SAI)

  • SAI aims to mitigate global warming effects by mimicking the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions.
  • Sulphur dioxide is injected into the stratosphere to form sunlight-reflecting sulphate aerosols.

Study Details

  • The study examined the influence of greenhouse gas emissions and SAI scenarios on mean and extreme water storage changes compared to historical conditions (1985–2014).
  • Mean TWS is larger under SAI compared to increases in GHG emissions.
  • SAI reduces changes in extreme water storage excursions under global warming.
  • Reductions in extreme TWS resulting from global warming were partly mitigated through SAI implementation.


  • The study was published in the journal Earth System Dynamics on January 29, 2024.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What method does the study focus on to mitigate global warming effects?
    • A) Water desalination
    • B) Stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI)
    • C) Afforestation
    • D) Cloud seeding
    • Answer: B) Stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI)
  2. What is the projected change in terrestrial water storage (TWS) in the MENA region due to global warming?
    • A) Decrease in wetter areas, decrease in drier areas
    • B) Increase in wetter areas, decrease in drier areas
    • C) Increase in wetter areas, increase in drier areas
    • D) Decrease in wetter areas, increase in drier areas
    • Answer: B) Increase in wetter areas, decrease in drier areas
  3. What is the primary reason for water stress in the MENA region?
    • A) High precipitation rates
    • B) Decreasing population
    • C) Water over-extraction
    • D) Abundance of freshwater sources
    • Answer: C) Water over-extraction
  4. Which region is expected to suffer significantly from reduced water availability under future greenhouse gas climate scenarios?
    • A) Sub-Saharan Africa
    • B) Southeast Asia
    • C) Mediterranean region
    • D) South America
    • Answer: C) Mediterranean region
  5. What is the aim of stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI)?
    • A) Increase global warming effects
    • B) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    • C) Mimic the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions
    • D) Promote rainfall in arid regions
    • Answer: C) Mimic the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions