In a significant development, the Supreme Court of India has taken cognizance of the precarious situation faced by the Great Indian Bustard, a critically endangered species native to the Indian subcontinent. With its population on the decline due to various threats, including habitat loss and poaching, the apex court has summoned the government to articulate a concrete strategy to ensure the survival of this magnificent bird.
The Great Indian Bustard, one of the heaviest flying birds and a symbol of India’s rich biodiversity, has faced an alarming decline in numbers in recent years. Rapid urbanization, agricultural expansion, and the consequent loss of its natural habitat have posed serious challenges to the species. Additionally, the illegal poaching of these birds for their feathers and body parts has exacerbated their vulnerability.
Environmentalists and wildlife experts have long advocated for robust conservation measures, including the protection and restoration of the Bustard’s natural habitat, stringent anti-poaching laws, and community engagement initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of preserving this species. The Supreme Court’s intervention underscores the urgency of addressing these issues and formulating a comprehensive action plan.
The government is now under scrutiny to present a detailed roadmap outlining how it intends to tackle the various threats to the Great Indian Bustard and ensure its sustained survival. This directive from the highest judicial authority highlights the growing concern and commitment towards the preservation of India’s unique and endangered wildlife, emphasizing the need for a collaborative effort between the government, environmental organizations, and the public to safeguard the Great Indian Bustard for future generations.