Surge in Whooping Cough Cases Sparks Concern in Multiple Countries

Surge in Whooping Cough Cases Sparks Concern in Multiple Countries

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. It is characterized by severe coughing fits, often accompanied by a “whooping” sound, hence its name.

Rising Cases of Whooping Cough

The number of whooping cough cases has been increasing in various countries such as China, the Netherlands, and Czech Republic. In China alone, there were 32,000 reported cases in the first two months of 2024, marking a significant rise compared to the same period in the previous year.

Transmission and Symptoms

Whooping cough is transmitted through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The bacteria attach to the throat lining and produce toxins, leading to inflammation of the airways and severe coughing fits. Symptoms typically begin with cold-like symptoms and progress to include the characteristic “whooping” sound during coughing spells, which may lead to vomiting. Infants and young children may experience sleep apnea instead of the whooping sound.

Prevention and Treatment

Vaccination is the most effective method of protection against whooping cough. Two vaccines, DTaP and Tdap, are available to protect children from this infection. Additionally, maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation practices, such as regular handwashing and covering the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, can help prevent the spread of the disease.

If symptoms develop, it is essential to seek medical attention and follow the antibiotic treatment recommended by a doctor. Adequate rest is also crucial for recovery from whooping cough.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary cause of whooping cough?
    • A) Influenza virus
    • B) Bordetella pertussis bacteria
    • C) Streptococcus bacteria
    • D) Rhinovirus
    • Answer: B) Bordetella pertussis bacteria
  2. How is whooping cough transmitted?
    • A) Through contaminated food
    • B) By mosquito bites
    • C) Via droplets from coughing or sneezing
    • D) Through physical contact with an infected person
    • Answer: C) Via droplets from coughing or sneezing
  3. What is a characteristic symptom of whooping cough?
    • A) High fever
    • B) Severe headache
    • C) “Whooping” sound during coughing spells
    • D) Joint pain
    • Answer: C) “Whooping” sound during coughing spells
  4. How can whooping cough be prevented?
    • A) By avoiding crowded places
    • B) By maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation
    • C) By consuming antibiotics regularly
    • D) By wearing a mask at all times
    • Answer: B) By maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation
  5. What is the recommended course of action if one develops symptoms of whooping cough?
    • A) Ignore the symptoms and continue regular activities
    • B) Seek medical attention and follow antibiotic treatment
    • C) Self-medicate with over-the-counter cough syrup
    • D) Increase physical activity to boost immunity
    • Answer: B) Seek medical attention and follow antibiotic treatment