Swift Justice for Sexual Offenses: Fast-Track Courts Extended for Three Years

Swift Justice for Sexual Offenses: Fast-Track Courts Extended for Three Years

In a move aimed at expediting the trial of sexual offenses and delivering swift justice to victims, the Union Cabinet has approved the extension of fast-track special courts (FTSCs) for three years. This decision, effective from March 31, 2026, will ensure that cases involving sexual violence are prioritized and dealt with promptly.

The FTSC scheme, launched in 2019, has played a crucial role in addressing the backlog of sexual assault cases in India. These dedicated courts, established in districts with high pendency of such cases, have been instrumental in reducing the time taken for trial completion.

The extension of the FTSC scheme underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the issue of sexual violence and ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice swiftly. It is hoped that this measure will deter potential offenders and provide a sense of security and justice to survivors.

The continuation of FTSCs is a positive step towards strengthening India’s criminal justice system and ensuring that victims of sexual violence receive the timely justice they deserve.