Tiger Finds Safe Haven: Enters Papikonda National Park

Tiger Finds Safe Haven: Enters Papikonda National Park

A lone male tiger recently entered Papikonda National Park (PNP) from Eluru district, marking a significant movement in its habitat.

Tiger’s Journey

  • Sighted initially in a maize field on January 26, the tiger traversed over 100 kilometers before entering PNP.
  • Its route included densely populated agricultural fields and human habitations, with no clear indication of why it left its natural habitat.

Entry into PNP

  • On February 6, the tiger safely entered PNP, facilitated by the presence of the Godavari river.
  • Forest authorities confirmed its healthy condition through CCTV footage and photos, without disclosing its exact entry point for security reasons.

Safe Habitat in PNP

  • Within PNP, the tiger faces fewer threats compared to human habitations.
  • Tribal populations inside the park coexist peacefully with wildlife, minimizing harm to the tiger.

Monitoring and Settlement

  • A team of experts, led by personnel from Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve (NSTR), will monitor the tiger’s movements until it fully adapts to its new habitat.
  • Abundant prey in PNP ensures sufficient food for the tiger’s sustenance.

Previous Tiger Population

  • Previous surveys in 2016 recorded three tigers in the area.
  • The National Tiger Conservation Authority didn’t disclose specific population figures for PNP.

Local Impact

  • The tiger’s departure brought relief to local communities, allowing agricultural and cattle-rearing activities to resume without disruption.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When did the tiger enter Papikonda National Park?
    • A) February 6
    • B) January 26
    • C) January 6
    • D) February 26
    • Answer: A) February 6
  2. How far did the tiger travel before entering PNP?
    • A) Less than 50 kilometers
    • B) Approximately 200 kilometers
    • C) Over 100 kilometers
    • D) Around 75 kilometers
    • Answer: C) Over 100 kilometers
  3. What was the tiger’s condition upon entering PNP?
    • A) Injured
    • B) Starving
    • C) Healthy
    • D) Weak
    • Answer: C) Healthy
  4. Who will continue to monitor the tiger’s movements in PNP?
    • A) Local villagers
    • B) Forest authorities
    • C) Experts from NSTR
    • D) Farmers
    • Answer: C) Experts from NSTR
  5. How many tigers were recorded in the 2016 survey?
    • A) One
    • B) Two
    • C) Three
    • D) Four
    • Answer: C) Three