Tragic Environmental Crisis: Periyar River Pollution

Tragic Environmental Crisis: Periyar River Pollution

The Periyar river, once thriving with biodiversity, now faces severe pollution issues due to industrial discharge. Recent reports of mass fish deaths along its banks highlight the dire consequences of environmental negligence.

Local Outcry:

Residents and activists express outrage and concern over the loss of aquatic life, attributing it to years of unchecked industrial pollution. Fishermen, whose livelihoods depend on the river, mourn the ecosystem’s decline.

Government Response:

Authorities launch investigations into the cause, identifying toxic chemicals from nearby industries as the likely culprit. Measures are underway to contain the pollution and prevent further harm.

Environmental Advocacy:

Environmental groups advocate for stricter regulations and enforcement to hold industries accountable for their impact on the Periyar river. Urgent action is urged to protect rivers and communities dependent on them.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary cause of the mass fish deaths in the Periyar river?
    a) Overfishing by local communities
    b) Toxic chemicals discharged by nearby industries
    c) Natural ecological imbalance
    d) Excessive sedimentation in the riverbed
    Answer: b) Toxic chemicals discharged by nearby industries
  2. How do local residents and activists react to the environmental crisis?
    a) Indifference and apathy
    b) Outrage and concern
    c) Joy and satisfaction
    d) Confusion and disbelief
    Answer: b) Outrage and concern
  3. What measures are authorities taking to address the pollution in the Periyar river?
    a) Ignoring the issue
    b) Launching investigations and containment efforts
    c) Blaming local communities for the pollution
    d) Promoting more industrial discharge into the river
    Answer: b) Launching investigations and containment efforts
  4. What do environmental groups advocate for in response to the Periyar river pollution?
    a) Loosening regulations on industrial discharge
    b) Ignoring the issue and focusing on economic growth
    c) Stricter regulations and enforcement
    d) Expanding industrial activities along the riverbanks
    Answer: c) Stricter regulations and enforcement