Transportation of Kapilvastu Relics to Thailand Marks Significant Cultural Exchange

Transportation of Kapilvastu Relics to Thailand Marks Significant Cultural Exchange

Four bone fragments of Lord Buddha, known as Kapilvastu Relics, will be transported to Thailand after approximately 30 years. This journey aims to allow devotees to pay homage to these sacred remnants in various cities of Thailand.

Previous Exhibitions

  • Last displayed internationally in May 2023 in Mongolia.
  • Relics of two chief disciples, Sariputta and Maha Moggallana, will accompany Buddha’s remains for the first time.

Preparations and Quarantine

  • Relics to be temporarily quarantined at the National Museum in Bangkok before the exposition.
  • Venue selections made in collaboration with Thai government officials and the Indian embassy.

Historical Context

  • Excavated relics discovered at Piprahwa village, Siddharthnagar district, Uttar Pradesh, between 1971-77.
  • Twenty Buddha relics loaned to National Museum in Delhi; two to Indian Museum in Kolkata.

Significance of Relics

  • Only four relics from National Museum allowed to be sent abroad.
  • Past exhibitions in Sri Lanka (1976, 2012), Mongolia (1993, 2022), Singapore (1994, 2007), South Korea (1995), and Thailand (1995).

Travel Arrangements

  • Relics transported back from Thailand on March 19 via special Indian Air Force aircraft.
  • Delegation includes 20 officials from the culture ministry, other agencies, and Buddhist monks.
  • Led by Union Minister of Social and Empowerment Virendra Kumar and Bihar Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar.

Diplomatic and Cultural Significance

  • Strengthens ties with Thailand and showcases Indian culture.
  • Initiative celebrates Buddhism and represents a diplomatic achievement.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. When were the Kapilvastu Relics last exhibited internationally before the upcoming showcase in Thailand?
    • A) May 2023
    • B) March 2022
    • C) August 2021
    • D) June 2024
    • Answer: A) May 2023
  2. Where were the relics of Sariputta and Maha Moggallana from, which will accompany Buddha’s remains to Thailand?
    • A) Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
    • B) Bodh Gaya, Bihar
    • C) Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
    • D) Lumbini, Nepal
    • Answer: C) Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
  3. How many relics from the National Museum are permitted to be sent abroad?
    • A) Two
    • B) Four
    • C) Six
    • D) Eight
    • Answer: B) Four
  4. Who is leading the delegation accompanying the relics to Thailand?
    • A) Prime Minister of India
    • B) Chief Minister of Bihar
    • C) Union Minister of Social and Empowerment
    • D) President of India
    • Answer: C) Union Minister of Social and Empowerment