Unruly Passenger Sparks Incident on Dubai-Mangaluru Flight

Unruly Passenger Sparks Incident on Dubai-Mangaluru Flight

An FIR (First Information Report) was registered against a passenger for unruly behavior during a flight between Dubai and Mangaluru, based on a complaint filed by the Air India Express crew. The incident occurred on the early morning of May 9th.

Complaint Lodged:

The security coordinator of the flight, Siddharthdas, filed the complaint against Mohammad B C at the Bajpe police station.

Timeline of Events:

  • Date and Time: The incident took place on the early morning of May 9th, and the FIR was filed the same evening.
  • Flight Details: Mohammed traveled from Dubai to Mangalore on the night of May 8th in an Air India Express flight, arriving at Mangalore International Airport at 7:30 am the next day.

Description of Incident:

  • After the aircraft took off from Dubai, Mohammad went to the toilet and upon returning, inquired about a person named Krishna who was not on the passenger list.
  • He proceeded to heckle the crew by posing irrelevant questions and repeatedly pressing the service button.
  • Mohammad removed the life jacket he had onboard, handed it to the crew, and stated his intention to use it upon landing.
  • He allegedly expressed a desire to fly over the sea independently when the flight was over the Arabian Sea.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who filed the complaint against the unruly passenger?
    • A) Mohammad B C
    • B) Siddharthdas
    • C) Krishna
    • D) Dubai police
    • Answer: B) Siddharthdas
  2. When did the incident occur?
    • A) May 8th
    • B) May 9th
    • C) May 10th
    • D) May 7th
    • Answer: B) May 9th
  3. Where did the incident take place?
    • A) Dubai
    • B) Mangaluru
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) New York
    • Answer: C) Both A and B
  4. What did the unruly passenger do with the life jacket onboard?
    • A) Kept it on throughout the flight
    • B) Gave it to the crew
    • C) Threw it out of the window
    • D) Used it to sleep
    • Answer: B) Gave it to the crew
  5. What was the alleged desire expressed by the unruly passenger during the flight?
    • A) To fly the plane
    • B) To go to the toilet
    • C) To sleep
    • D) To read a book
    • Answer: A) To fly the plane