World Hindu Congress 2023 to Be Held in Bangkok, Uniting Hindus Worldwide

World Hindu Congress 2023 to Be Held in Bangkok, Uniting Hindus Worldwide
World Hindu Congress 2023 to Be Held in Bangkok, Uniting Hindus Worldwide

The World Hindu Foundation has officially announced that the third edition of the World Hindu Congress (WHC), known as Vishwa Hindu Sammelan, will be held in Bangkok in November 2023. With the theme “Jayasya Aayatnam Dharmah,” which translates to “Dharma, the Abode of Victory,” the highly anticipated three-day event aims to provide a platform for addressing challenges and exploring opportunities faced by the global Hindu community. Held at the Convention Center in Bangkok, the conference will bring together prominent personalities, including Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, RSS Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat, and Chancellor Ma Amritanandamayi.

The World Hindu Congress is an initiative organized by the World Hindu Foundation, with Swami Vigyananand serving as its trustee. Swami Vigyanananda is also the Managing Trustee of the Vishwa Hindu Foundation and the Joint General Secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). With its founding in 2010, the congress aims to foster unity among Hindus worldwide and create a platform for discussing various issues affecting the community.

The forthcoming World Hindu Congress in Bangkok is set to witness the convergence of Hindus from all continents, including North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The conference will welcome delegates from diverse backgrounds, including businessmen, professionals, academicians, media personnel, and eminent individuals from Hindu society. This inclusive representation will provide a comprehensive perspective on the challenges faced by Hindus across the globe.

Prominent figures, including Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, RSS Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat, and Chancellor Ma Amritanandamayi, have been extended invitations to participate in the conference. Notably, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is the sole politician from India to receive such an invitation. Additionally, representatives from Hindu organizations and esteemed Buddhist teachers from around the world have also been invited, emphasizing the inclusive and collaborative nature of the event.

The World Hindu Congress in Bangkok represents a significant opportunity for Hindus worldwide to come together, engage in discussions, and explore avenues for the progress and well-being of their community. With participants from over 60 countries, the conference will provide a diverse and inclusive platform for networking, idea exchange, and strategic collaboration. By focusing on areas of strategic importance to Hindus, the WHC aims to generate actionable insights and foster collaboration among Hindu leaders, activists, and thinkers. As the conference progresses, it is expected to shape the future course of action for the global Hindu community and strengthen their collective identity.