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Eta Carinae: The Hypergiant Star Poised for a Monumental Supernova
Astronomers are intently observing Eta Carinae, a hypergiant star approximately 100 times the mass of the Sun, located 7,500 light-years away in the Carina Nebula. Known for its immense size and luminosity, Eta Carinae is a prime candidate for a future supernova. This star's volatile history includes a significant outburst 170 years ago, known as the Great Eruption, which created the distinctive Homunculus Nebula. Despite its past eruptions and current instability, predicting the exact timing of its potential supernova remains challenging. Eta Carinae's unique features, such as emitting natural laser light, and recent Hubble Space Telescope images highlighting its surrounding nebula, add to its enigmatic nature. The anticipated explosion promises to be one of the most significant astronomical events in recent history, offering valuable insights into the life cycles of massive stars.